Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Before and After

Last night was my final photography class. After a review of aperture, ISO and shutter speed, we spent the rest of the night playing with the editing software. Mostly, I was just playing around since I didn't have any photos on the card that I really felt needed to be changed. After my visit to the Academy and Officer's Row, I cleared the memory card. So, Sunday and Monday afternoon, I took a bunch of random pictures so I would have some for class.

I learned that you can save pictures from the software back to the camera's memory card-something I never would have even thought to try. Here are the original shots and the edited versions. I like the changes to Sammy and the tomatoes (the instructor thought this was a great shot once edited); the pictures of the plant and Charlie were just me having fun.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Plants found along Officer's Row and Ft. Vancouver

In addition to buildings, I took pictures of plants. I am beginning to like taking pictures of plants. I hope this doesn't mean I have to start identifying them!

The yellow jacket was so much more cooperative than the bumble bees!

Hydrangeas-one of my favorite flowers-at the barracks

The hole does not go all the way through.

Along Officer's Row

Tree roots running from the sidewalk to the street

Apple trees along the trail next to the Fort

This is probably a weed.

Oregon Grape-Oregon's State Flower

Night Shade-pretty, purple and poisonous! (Thanks to the nice worker man for telling me what this is!)

Along the trail

History in my backyard-Officer's Row & Ft. Vancouver

Just east of the Academy is my favorite part of this city I call home: Officer's Row. I love historical buildings and the Marshall House was on the short list of places I wanted to have our wedding. As with the Academy, most of the buildings now house small businesses. I did see a couple that are being used for private residences. I would be in Heaven if I could live in one of those!

Officer's Row is part of the Ft. Vancouver Historical Site and sits just to the north of the Fort itself. Alongside the Fort is a walking trail and "land bridge" that crosses over I-5 to an area of nice restaurants and condos that sit right on the Columbia River. It makes for a very nice walk. To the east of the Fort is Pearson Air Field and Museum. Pearson is an active airport for small aircraft.


I wanted wedding pictures taken in this.

Markers help tell the history of Officer's Row.

The Marshall House

I love the architecture

Ulysses S. Grant House

Red Cross building

Artillery Barracks

Plane departing from Pearson passing over the Fort

Fort Vancouver-next time, I'll go in.

The Fort with barracks and Officer's Row in the background

History in my backyard-The Academy

According to various websites, The Academy in Vancouver, WA was built in 1871 by Mother Joseph of the Sisters of Providence. It was dedicated as the House of Providence in 1873, and opened as a women's boarding school in 1874. Today, several small business are housed there and the chapel can be rented out for weddings. These pictures are from yesterday morning.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Their favorite things

Sammy's favorite thing is to look out the window.

Charlie's favorite thing is his ball. I have lost count of how many he has destroyed.

Very Yucky Yucca

A friend of mine told me he really liked the picture I took of my yucca plants from the ground looking up. I told him my photography instructor said it was good, but I should have shot it it vertically so the street light wasn't in it. So, I decided to take some more pictures the other day, but the plants had already started to turn. This morning, most of the flowers had blown or dropped off, so I am glad I took the pictures when I did. They aren't great but my friend asked to see them so here they are.