Monday, February 9, 2015

#365photomore, Day 40: "It's All Fun and Games..."

I was sitting at my desk and realized I still needed a picture for today, so I sat down on the floor and snapped one of the two game shelves. 

#365photomore, Day 39: "Crafternoon"

This afternoon, I had several girlfriends over for lunch and a craft party.  While most worked on knitting projects, I dug out this beaded banner project I've had for who knows how many years.  And who knows how many more years it will take to finish?  I might need to throw a few more parties...

#365photomore, Day 38: "Such a Pretty Flower"

No, I did not make this.  The Fred Meyer bakery did.  Very tasty! 

#365photomore, Day 37: "Oh, were you coming back?"

Rule #1:  If it's a scrap of material, regardless of size, it is Sammy's blanket.

#365photomore, Day 36: "Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot"

Well, the good news is, my temperature is finally coming down...

#365photomore, Day 35: "The Eyes Have It."

I've been sick for the last four days.  :(  It's getting harder to find things around the house to snap photos of...

#365photomore, Day 34: "Olives"

Quite possibly one of the world's most perfect foods! 

#365photomore, Day 33: "Tools"

My little tool set.  It definitely comes in handy!

#365photomore, Day 32: "Bedtime for Charlie"

My little sleepyhead, just snoozing away. 

#365photomore, Day 31: "New Desk"

My friend and I swapped out my desk today for a smaller one.  In the meantime, while I'm waiting for him to build a hutch for me, I have to figure out where everything is going to go.  For the time being, the answer is boxes and assorted tote and grocery bags.

#365photomore, Day 30: "The View"

Sammy had to go to the vet today.  Nothing too serious:  he's showing signs of being a 12 year old dog.  Although for a dog who is having a hard time with his back legs, he had no trouble jumping into the front seat of the car for the ride home! 

#365photomore, Day 29: "How You Doin?"

I totally nailed the visual round at "Friends" themed trivia was going to have us identifying notable guest and recurring characters. Too bad I didn't do more homework on the subject!

#365photomore, Day 28: "Animal Farm"

I think I have enough animal slippers.  :)  The koalas were a birthday present to myself.  They were way too cute to pass up and I had a coupon. 

#365photomore, Day 27: "Define Vegan"

I believe that I have a much different definition of "vegan!"  My friend had one of the chicken entrees and confirms that it was real chicken, not some tofu or tempeh concoction.

#365photomore, Day 26: "DFS"

This evening, I volunteered for a great organization that I'd heard of but had not volunteered for before:  Dressed for Success.  I was impressed with the way the organization is run and the many programs they offer to help women prepare for interviews and transitioning into a full-time job.  I'm looking forward to doing more with this group.

#365photomore, Day 25: "First Ride"

The first ride of 2015 was supposed to be sunny and low 60's-not bad for January!  Instead, it was mostly foggy and mid-40's on the Columbia River.

#365photomore, Day 24: "Life is a Highway"

"Life is a Highway:"  The freeway entrance off of NE 112th Avenue onto SR-500 in Vancouver, WA.

#365photomore, Day 23: "Bad Ass"

Nothing says I'm a bad ass like girly, pink boxing gloves!